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Toowoomba Chamber Partners
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Foundation | Platinum | Gold | Silver
Toowoomba Chamber offers a range of partner benefits tailored to the partner’s needs. We are proud to provide our sponsors with special recognition, significant branding opportunities to help build a business profile.
As a Toowoomba Chamber partner (Platinum, Gold, and Silver) or an event partner, we get to promote partner products and services and build the visibility of the partner’s business across our wide-reaching networks, locally and beyond.
The marketing we undertake for our partners is aimed at reaching employers and employees across our membership, corporate decision-makers, the supply chain, and consumers across the Toowoomba business community and beyond.
Our partners have access to direct mail of 600 members, distribution to our business network of 4000 + businesses, national outreach, and an audience of over 1 million last financial year on our digital platforms.
Foundation Partner

University of Southern Queensland
Uni SQ is the proud Foundation Sponsor of the Toowoomba Chamber of Commerce.
Engaging with the local business community is a priority and TCOC provides an exceptional vehicle to do that Both Uni SQand TCOC are great promoters of supporting local business.
It is renowned for its innovation and excellence in education, student experience, research and engagement. Uni DQ works closely with the Chamber, in the community to engage with members for a range
The University relishes the opportunity to work with the Chamber to grow our local business community. The University of Southern Queensland is Australia’s leading regional university and a recognised leader in online and blended education.
Platinum Partners

Heritage Bank
Heritage Bank is proud to be one of the longest-standing financial institutions in the country.
Since our beginnings in Toowoomba in 1875, we’ve grown to become one of the largest customer-owned banks in Australia, serving members right around the country.
We grow our connection with the local business community by engaging at the Chamber’s events. Sharing thoughts, views, activities and opportunities at the events is easy and natural, because the mood is relaxed and largely informal, leading to a more collaborative, collegiate environment.
The business community is aspirational and outward looking- itis part of their DNA. We are fortunate in Toowoomba to have such a varied and professional group of business leaders across so many sectors.