29 days until Christmas rocks around. Are you looking forward to it?
Less than six months to another election, the Federal Government election. Are you looking forward to that?
Well, I am heavily invested in the next Federal Government election. Why? Because every single Australian depends heavily on small businesses to meet their personal and family’s day-to-day needs. And in a cost-of-living crisis every business relies on every Australian to support their local small business.
Australia has more than 2.6 million businesses, of which 97.2% have 19 employees or less? Businesses, contribute in the order of 500 billion in economic activity or one third of the nation’s GDP each year. Businesses employ an estimated 5 million people or 42% of nations workforce. Collectively, a political force.
Surely, this means, small business policy, will be an important factor considered by all parties in the upcoming election. Do you think that will be the case? If not, we at the Toowoomba Chamber will be doing what we can to advocate for a heightened policy focus on small business.
Our members and the business community have been crystal clear. National economic conditions, the cost of doing business crisis, lack of day to day and legacy infrastructure investment in our region is holding us back. Not meeting our needs to thrive and prosper.
Federal Election is next
As Capital of the Darling Downs and Southwest, Australia’s largest inland city (other than the Australian capital) don’t you think we deserve more?
We will continue to advocate for:
- investment in planning, design and business cases to create shovel ready projects;
- one national regional Infrastructure fund that focusses on creating and retaining jobs in regional areas and supporting regional economies and communities;
- increased investment in rural areas – Infrastructure, food security, individual farm regeneration projects, and climate variation initiatives;
- the implementation of a cost of doing business taskforce, reporting to the Prime Minister looking directly into the relieving the burden on business by tackling industrial relations reforms, and the like;
- the creation of a housing infrastructure fund for the private sector to access to deliver essential services like water and sewerage as part of housing Australians.
What do you think we should advocate for? Let us know by emailing
Let’s chat about Christmas cheer next week and the importance of supporting local?