It was spring that the Toowoomba Chamber of Commerce journey commenced. 12 October 1899 to be precise, stirred into action by the business community due to the “special opportunities afforded by a digest of the ideas and experiences of an association of business” and the need that “a vigilant and united body can readily discuss anomalies and abuses which if left unchecked work to the detriment of the community”.

Beautiful coloured flowers for Carnival of Flowers 2024

The Toowoomba Chamber of today continues to build on those foundations.

With over 600 members, the Toowoomba Chamber is one of the largest regional Chamber of Commerce organisations in Australia and Queensland largest regional Chamber of Commerce. We are proud partners of the Darling Downs Regional Alliance which represents over 1000 businesses in the Toowoomba Regional Local Government area.

The Toowoomba Chamber’s 125-year history is inextricably linked with the commercial and cultural development of Toowoomba.

The Toowoomba Chamber has had many achievements over the years. Significantly, Toowoomba Chamber of Commerce’s identifies the Carnival of Flowers as one its many achievements. Commencing in 1949, this iconic event was created as a way for the city to use its “Garden City” reputation to promote increased economic activity. .   This internationally recognised event is a people attractor, that continues to deliver a financial windfall to the local business community.

But the Toowoomba Chamber will never forget that the Carnival of Flowers at its core, is built on the back of our local community. 

We acknowledge and thank the many local gardeners for their passion, dedication, and commitment.  It is their work, that has directly supported our business community and put Toowoomba on the World Stage. 

We salute you.

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