21 May 2024 – Car Parking Fines

Residents could be slugged with $100 fines for failing to pay for parking or overstaying their time as part of the proposed changes to Toowoomba’s parking law”.

Is this the right thing to do?  At this point, I do not know. 

Information and transparency are lacking in my opinion.  Why the policy change?  What is the evidence?  The accessible Council report online provides little or no information for the reasons.

Cars parked two deep in Alley protesting carparking fines
Car Parking Fines developed in consultation?

The Council report says the changes have been developed following extensive consultation with General Managers and Managers, and with the input of Councillors.

Did they seek your input in preparing these changes?  Did you raise issues or concerns and were they responded to?

I do note in The Chronicle article that consultation is proposed to occur.  Will you have your say about the increase in car parking fines?

There is no doubt car parking is and has been, and probably will continue to be a challenging issue for the city. 

The Toowoomba Chamber has been harping on about it for years (maybe decades), specifically concerning the CBD and its direct negative impact on business. 

Now, it appears the proposed increase in fines is to seek “behavioural change”.  Now this may work.  Iin my view, this is one component of the need for a broader discussion and solution. 

Policy matters need to be considered holistically.  Our view, as articulated in the Toowoomba Chamber local government election priorities, developed with our members, has called for a multipronged approach to address the ongoing CBD car parking issues.  It covered matters of equity for businesses and residents, parking permit options, changes to times, and a signage audit and update.

So how do we move forward, for the betterment of the region, which we all seek?

Firstly, the Toowoomba Chamber urges you to have your say and write to the Council about your concerns or support for the changes.  Do it now!

Cark Parking Fines

Secondly, it is my experience, that policy development works best when developed in collaboration and conjunction with the community and interest groups.  A process is being embarked on in preparation for the city’s new Economic Development Strategy by the Planning and Development team.

In my view, policy development is at its weakest, when a policy is developed, prepared, and delivered to the community for comment, which appears, prima facie, to be the approach with the dramatic changes to fines for car parking infringements.

What do you think? Let us know your thoughts by emailing admin@toowoombachamber.com.au

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