CHRONICLE COLUMN: 28 January 2025

Advocacy work undertaken by the Toowoomba Chamber over the past 12 months has included the ongoing request to re-introduce the Productivity Commission and enhance the role of the Queensland Small Business Commissioner (the Commissioner).

Simply put, the Toowoomba Chamber advocacy has been strong in repeating the narrative of the need for productivity gains through regulatory redesign. 

A worker operates a grinder cutting metal, creating a vibrant display of sparks in an industrial setting,, which sets context for advocating for the productivity commission.

One component of this advocacy was seeking the reintroduction of the Productivity Commission, to report to government on critical matters which impact on business.   Another component was for the Commissioner, to play an integral role in recommending to government the removal unnecessary government administration burden and red tape and improvements to government processes and procedures and the like.

Our members regularly raise concerns about excessive and unnecessarily complex red tape in areas such as permits, industrial relations, compliance, and the like, which negatively impacts their business and dampens business confidence.

Add into the mix inefficiently implemented and inconsistently enforced regulations, the cost burden on business has increased dramatically, adding to the costs of delivering services and products which directly contributes to the cost of doing business crisis and cost of living crisis, in Toowoomba, Queensland, and the nation.

It is my view, that the recent announcement by the new Queensland Government reintroducing the Productivity Commission, effectively implemented, will be a win for business.  Utilising an independent tool, to restore productivity oversight and transparency, a key factor in driving economic prosperity, must be a good thing.  Right?

Our requested enhancement of the role of the Commissioner and its charter as a small business enabling agent is a step closer to fruition.   Highlighted by the announcement last week, by the Queensland Government, of its intention to broaden the role and responsibilities of the Commissioner.  

Toowoomba Chamber Advocating for Productivity Gains

To be effective the Commissioner must be able to independently interrogate and recommend to government the removal of excessive, unnecessarily complex

regulation, and red tape across agencies, between governments, along with identifying regulation improvements and amendments.

I see this as another important tool which will enhance small business confidence in government by ensuring unnecessary and not required regulations are stopped, regulations are improved, all with the appropriate level of independent oversight and transparency.

Are we entering a Small Business Golden Age of transparency and oversight in Queensland?

So, what topics would you like the Productivity Commission and Commissioner to investigate, research, benchmark, to advise government on?

Barriers and solutions to government efficiency and performance?  Barriers and solutions to housing and planning reform?  Government benchmarking? Regulatory barriers and solutions?   Barriers and solutions to infrastructure investment in Toowoomba, Queensland?

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